This is an add-on module, if you would like this function added to your system please contact Support.

Within a B2B eStore it is possible to set a spend limit in the store, this is an amount, agreed on with the customer, for the amount users can spend within the eStore. 

For example, if an eStore has been designed for users to order business cards the spend limit will prevent them from over ordering products. Additionally, the spend limit can be used to assist with controlling a budget that a customer has to spend in the eStore.

Setting the Spend Limit

1. Click the Settings cog wheel (top right corner), then select ePrint eStore.

The left navigation pane will be displayed.

2. Click General, then select Spend Limit.

3. Click Change, enter the select the e-Store, then use the check-boxes to nominate how to apply the spend limit, selections include, Per User or Per Department.

4. Click Save.

Allocating the Spend Limit

Once the Spend limit has been saved in the settings, it is then necessary to activate it against the user/department.

1. Click the CRM module.

2. Click Contacts (left pane), then select a contact using the check-box to the left of their name.

Note: If the spend limit has been set to Department, click Departments.

3. Click the master drop-down (at the top of the selection boxes), then select Activate Spend Limit.

A dialog box will display with the options to control how the spend limit is controlled with the user, each option is explained in the table.

Select PeriodSelect the duration of the spend limit, options include by Calendar Year, Financial Year, Month, Week and Day.
Amount ($)Enter the maximum spend limit amount for this user/department.
Roll OverWhen checked it will enable any amount that has not been used previously to be allocated to the next period.
Roll Over LimitAvailable only if the Roll Over check-box is ticked, options include Unlimited (spend limit will continue to roll over to the next period e.g. from month to month ) or One Roll over (the roll over will only be permitted once in the period.
Roll Over StartSpecify the date the roll over is to commence.
SaveSave to update the record.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support