The Hexicom software system allows users to integrate it with an accounting package, this includes;

  • MYOB
  • XERO
  • FreshBooks
  • QuickBooks
  • Sage50

When a purchase order or invoice is created an accounting code is associated with it, invoicing can then be created in the system and when invoices are exported to the preferred accounting package, they are imported correctly. 

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Accounting, then select Accounting Code.

Note: The accounting package connected will be the only one displayed in the list.

The current list of Accounting codes will be displayed and summarized in this location.

3. Click Add New Record.

4. Enter in the Accounting Code (required) an associated Description and choose between Revenue and Purchase codes, then click Save.

Note: The Revenue and Purchase code has additional check-boxes to enable them as Defaults if desired.

Deleting an Accounting Code

An accounting code can be deleted, however please do so with caution, once they are removed they cannot be retrieved.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

2. Click Accounting, then select Accounting Code.

3. Click the check-box alongside the code to be deleted.

4. Click the arrow at the top of the check-box column and then Delete Selected.

NOTE: To export invoices and purchase orders from the system, the accounting codes created must be exactly the same as the accounting package it is linked to for the import process to work correctly.

Further Information 

Available within the Help guides of the preferred Accounting Package, some links are provided below;

Associated Topics

  • Link to an Accounting Package
  • Export Invoices

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.