The text on an Estimate header and footer can be altered within the default settings, however it is also possible to update it directly on the estimate without updating the system settings first.

This can be done within a new estimate or an existing estimate.

Add New Header Text

1. Create a New Estimate or open an existing Estimate.

- If it is a New Estimate, enter in the appropriate details then continue to step 2.

- For an Existing Estimate, click the drop-down arrow on Estimate Options (top left corner of open estimate), then select Re-Run Customer Details and then continue to step 2.

2. Next to Header, click the Plus sign

3. Click Add New Record.

4. Click in Phrase Text and type the desired text.

5. Check the Default Phrase option to set it as is the new default phrase. (Optional

6. Click Save.

7. Select the text to apply from the list provided.

The header will update to reflect the change.

Note: To change the Footer text, select the Plus sign next to Footer at Step 2.

Delete Header/Footer Text

Header and Footer text can only be done in the default settings.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Content Management, then Phrase Book.

3. In the list of Phrase Book options, click the plus symbol next to Estimate.

4. Click Estimate Header, click on the associated red (delete) cross checkbox besides the Footer phrase to be deleted.

Note: More then one item can be selected by clicking in each checkbox, or click the Select All items checkbox as displayed below, then click the drop-down arrow and choose Delete Selected.

5. Click OK at the confirmation prompt, the successful confirmation message will be displayed.

Note: The header and footer text can be customised in any Job or Invoice in the same manner, that is, when generating the job/invoice or when editing an existing job/invoice.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.