It is possible to export invoices from the system directly to your connected Xero account, clients may opt to do this on a daily or weekly basis or as required.

When the invoices are exported to 

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Accounting, then select XERO.

Note: If Xero is not visible in the list you will need to contact Support to have it enabled on your system.

When selecting Xero you may be prompted to enable Pop-ups, the icon will be displayed in the browser address bar as , click on the icon and ensure Always Allow is selected (an example is shown below)

3. The export option window will appear, where export options can be selected;

Under Export Type, select Invoices.

Under Select by Status, select from Active.

Under Use Date Selector, use the default option of 'All records since last export' or select one of the date range options

Note: It is likely All the records created since last export would be the typical selection.

Click Export.

Note: It is also possible to export Contacts or Purchase Orders.

The Get Code function will import the all the account codes from Xero into ePrint, it is unlikely all the codes are required if you have followed Setting up Accounting Codes in Hexicom

4. When prompted, enter the Email address and Password you use to login to XERO, and click Login.


Xero will open and a confirmation will appear.

5. In Xero, click the Business menu, then select Sales.

The tab labelled Drafts will display the recently imported invoices.

6. Clicking on each individual invoice will display the details of the invoice, where the invoice can be Approved using the Approved button.

Alternatively, when viewing all the recently imported invoices, click the check-boxes to select multiple invoices and click the Approve button to approve multiples.

Note: Our Support team can assist with your Hexicom Software to Xero processes. for questions specific to Xero, please refer to Xero support.

Additional Information

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.