Access permissions can only be granted by the Administrator of the system, this enables them to determine the level of access each user or group of users can have. There is no limit to the number of permission levels however each account can only have one level of permission assigned to them.

The permissions profile must be created prior to adding users to the system, it is worthwhile consider what the user may be using, for example, you may restrict the invoicing module to an accounts team member only, they may also require access to edit Customers (CRM) but may only require read-only access to the Jobs module.

The role of Administrator has access to all features of the system, this allows them to make changes to system settings and access all the available features, including adding roles and permissions.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Company, then select Users.

The window is divided into two (2) sections, The first section is dedicated to Roles, the second section is dedicated to Users. 

3. The Roles section is located at the top of the page., click Add New Record.

The Role Manager window will be displayed.

4. Enter a Role Name for the role and a Description.

Note: The name could be the name of the user or a name given to an allocated to a group as an example.

The page is divided into sections, each one contains options to modify and are separated into;

  • Modules
  • Reports
  • Cost/Profit/Margin
  • Records
  • Security

5. In the Modules section identify the module to edit, then use the check-boxes and place a tick in the box to determine the access level.

Note: In the example below, most items are ticked however this user cannot progress an estimate to a job.

6. Scroll to locate the Reports section, use the check-boxes to tick if the role should have access to the Reports for each module.

7. Under Cost/Profit/Margin, use the check-boxes will provide access to all financial information.

8.  Under Records, select what records the permission level will be able to view and edit.

9. Under Security change any of the options provided.

10. Click Save.

Note: Once the permission levels have been created, then new users can be added.

Associated Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.