If you are new to using templates within the system, it is recommended that you read the article on an overview of templates first.

This article will cover how to create and upload a background PDF to the template.

There are 3 steps outlined

  1. Create a Background PDF Using Microsoft Word
  2. Upload a Background PDF to the system
  3. Attaching a Background PDF to a template

Step 1 - Create a Background PDF

You can create a background PDF in any package that allows you to save the file with the extension .pdf. This process is demonstrated using Microsoft Word.

1. Open Microsoft Word.

2. Create the document with the layout and dimensions required.

3. Add a logo and any other items that are to appear on the background.

4. Select File, Save As, selecting the file location (1), a filename (2), Save as type - set to PDF (3) and then click Save (4).  

Note: For your convenience a blank PDF document is attached to this article, it is configured with standard margins and sizing for an A4 document, it can be download and used as required. 

Step 2 - Upload a Background PDF

Once the Background PDF has been created and saved, it can then be uploaded into the system.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click System Templates, then Background PDF.

3. Click Background PDF.

4. Complete the options according to the table below.

Title - The Background Template must have a name.
Select PDF - Click Choose File and locate the saved PDF document.
Retain Pages from The Template (Optional) 
The background template may be designed with multiple pages.
Entering a number in the First and Last Pages will nominate if the pages will be retained regardless of the size of the document it generates.

An example may be when an estimate contains a page for signatures and legal agreements. These are always to appear on the last page. Entering the last page number of the background template will ensure the last page is always retained.
Cancel and Save functions.

5. Click Save.

The template will be displayed in the list with a status of Processing, it may take up to 10 minutes before you can attach the PDF to the template as the system uploads it, a status of Ready indicates it has uploaded, refreshing the browser will update the status, however you can continue working in the system and do not need to wait for the status to change.

Step 3 - Attaching a Background PDF to a Template

Attaching the Background PDF to the template is a relatively easy process, in this example a background template will be applied to a new Estimate template.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

2. Click System Templates, then Estimates.

3. Click on the name of the template to apply the background to.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the template settings, under Select PDF, click the drop-down and select the required Background PDF, then click Save.

Further Information

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.