When creating an estimate, job or invoice, it will contain the following;
- Customer details at the top of the record in a grey panel.
- At least one Main item but there could be many main items.
- The Main Items may also contain Sub-Items within them.
A Main Item is usually an item that you want to appear on the estimate or invoice template that is sent to the customer. It will be the main part of the record. You can have any number of main items in an estimate, job, or invoice. Each Main Item is displayed in the summary screen as a grey panel and these can be opened/closed in a concertina effect. An example of a main item might be the print and production of a book.
A Sub Item is added into a main item, they do not appear on the estimate or invoice template that the customer receives. However the cost of the sub item is added into the record as part of the main item that it is part of. An example of a sub item might be: A finishing process such as book binding, it needs to be included in the costs but you don’t want it to display it to the customer on the estimate or invoice template.
If you wanted the cost of the book binding to be displayed to the customer on the estimate or job then you would create it as a main item not a sub item.
A sub item does not have description fields associated with it as it will not display to the customer on the system templates.
In the image below an estimate is displayed. The estimate number is displayed in the first column (EST-0003512), and each main item is displayed in a concertina effect, and contains an itemised number against it (001, 002, 003). On the generated PDF each main item is listed, in the example, the main items are separated by a line. Refer to the Delivery cost (Main Item number 003), the costs associated with delivery are clearly visible on the document.
Estimate With Main Items
Estimate With Sub-Items
A sub-item is not listed separately and be included in the overall costs.
In the image below there is a single estimate number (0003512), containing one main item, (Nomad Water Bottles-001). A sub-item has been added and is listed under the heading, 'Additional Items'.
this example shows Delivery was added as a sub-item. When the generated PDF is viewed, delivery is not listed separately, however is included in the overall totals.
Additional Information
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.