When an estimate, job, invoice is saved in the system it will have a designated status assigned to it, these statuses can be customised to suit your internal workflows. 

This article will outline how to create and edit an existing status, it will also outline how to change the status of an item.

Adding a New Status 

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Appearance, Process Flow, then Status.


3. Click Add New Record.

4. Enter the Status Title, a name for the eStore (if applicable), use the tick boxes to indicate where the status is available and if it is to be the default for the module.

5. Click Save.

Editing a Status

A Status can only be edited from the within the system settings.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

2. Click Appearance, click Process Flow, then Status.

3. Click the status to open it, make the desired changes.

4. Click Save.

Deleting a Status

A Status can only be deleted from the within the system settings, additionally a status cannot be deleted if it is currently in use.

For example, if a record currently has the status assigned to it, you would need to change the status first. 

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

2. Click Appearance, Process Flow, then Status.

3. Open the status and ensure all modules are unticked, then return to the status screen.

3. Tick the status to delete. 

If it cannot be ticked, the status is still in use, this will be indicated by the In Use column.

4. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Status heading, then select Delete Selected.

Changing the Status of an Item

The status of a record can be changed using one of two methods, in the example the Estimates module will be used. The status can be altered for an entire record, or just for a main item within the record, this will be demonstrated in the example below.

Method 1

1. Open the record, the status is visible in the top right corner.

Note: In the example below the status is visible for the estimate number in the first grey panel.

There is also a status for the Main Item - Nomad Water bottles. 

Each Main Item may have a different status for example, if the estimate was accepted however only some items progressed to production.


2. Click the Status drop-down arrow next to estimate number, this will change the status of all main items.

Note: Changing the status on a Main Item will change it's status only not the entire estimate as occurred above.

Method 2

Using this method multiple items can be selected and their status can be changed at the same time. This can be useful for invoicing purposes, for example, when a job is Ready for Invoice, and the invoice has been issued, bulk selection of records with a status of Ready to Invoice can be changed to Invoiced. This will be used as the example in the steps below.

Note: In this example the Invoice view as status options of Ready for Invoice and Invoiced.

1. Click the Invoices module, to show all Invoices.

2. Under Item Status, click in the Filter, type Ready for Invoice.

3. Click the check boxes against the Invoices that are to have the status changed.

4. Click on the check

All selected records will have their status changed.

5. Click the filter icon against the Item Status and select No Filter option to return to viewing all items. 

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