Products can be entered into the system manually or imported using a specific Excel file.

There are two steps to importing products;

1. Enter the Products into a specific Excel spreadsheet (attached to this article). 

2. Upload the Excel file into the system.

There are two (2) files attached to this article;

  1. Products Import Spreadsheet with Notes.xls
    This file is read-only, it can be used to assist you to understand how to successfully complete the spreadsheet so the products can be imported. Open this file and refer to it when completing the file for upload.
  2. Products Sample file.xls 
    This file is editable and can be downloaded and completed with the details of your products to be uploaded.

    Important Notes:
    • Do not add or remove columns from the spreadsheet.
    • Do not edit the column labels.
    • Save the file with the extension .xls or .xlsx format only.

Step 1

1. Click the file attached to this article - Products Sample File.

2. Enter the products to be uploaded.

3. Save the file with the extension .xlsx

Step 2

1. Click Products, then select Import/Export.

2. From Upload File to Import click Choose File, then attach the file that was saved in Step 1.

3. Under Duplicate Records, select either Ignore or Update.

If the Products already exists in the system, you will want to choose Update otherwise existing products will not be updated.


When completing the Excel spreadsheet the Item Code is a unique field. If the Item Code is blank the system will generate a new Item Code for the Product and it will be created as a new Product. 

If an item code is entered that already exists in the system, the system will update the record, unless you have chosen to ignore duplicate records.

4. The option Upload Products Thumbnail, is used to attach an image file to the products that are being uploaded. The following guidelines apply to bulk uploading of images. 

  • The images must be uploaded at the same time the Product details file is uploaded (refer to step 2).
  • There must be an image for each Product in the product import file.
  • Each image that is to be uploaded must be named according to the Product Code it is to be uploaded with. The filename (and therefore the Product code) must not contain characters such as an underscore, comma, full-stop, period) 
  • Create a single zip folder of all the images, then from Upload Products Thumbnail, click Choose File, locate the zip folder, then click Import.

    In regards to the image files please note the following:
    1. Each image file must be named according to Item code of the product.
    2. Images need to be in the root folder. (This is the top folder in the folder hierarchy)
    If you are using an Apple computer please note that when a zip folder is created for your images, another sub-folder is automatically created. This additional sub-folder is not required and should not be selected during the upload.
    3. The Image files need to be a jpeg format. (Currently .png files cannot be imported using the import function, however if you are unable to bulk change the images to a .png format please send a request to Support and we can do this for you.
    4. Each image needs to be no more than 300px in either width or height as there is no re-sizing done automatically during the upload process.
    5. The import of images will only work for products that are being created for the first time, not for products that are already created and are being updated.

An onscreen message will appear to notify that the import has been successful.

Please Note: If you have many Products in your Product Catalogue, you don't need to update them all, you can import a file with a select few Products in that file that you want to update, the other Products not included will not be altered in any way.

The import may take up to 10 minutes to complete the import of the products into the system.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.