The Warehouse module is used for the stock control of products/finished goods. Whether you store stock onsite or within a storage facility, the tool allows users to keep track of these items and the replenishment of them as required.

There are several components required to utilise the warehouse module;

1. Request the feature to be enabled on your system. Send an email to Support and we will contact you to advise on any system changes that may be required or additional costs.

2. Determine the default settings according to Stock location and the names of the Stock Location Custom Fields within your warehouse.

3. Create the default settings for the warehouse workflow.

4. Create the settings for your product stock levels.

This article will focus on the Warehouse settings of Stock Location settings and Stock Location Custom Fields.

The video will provide an alternative to the step-by-step instruction.

Warehouse Location Settings

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Warehouse.

There are 3 settings available within this location;

Stock LocationUsed to nominate the potential address locations where the stock is stored.
Stock Custom FieldsBy default the onscreen labels for the warehouse location of where stock is held, is labelled within ePrint as Location, Lot #, Aisle, Bin, Shelf, Pallet.
If these labels are not suitable they can be edited using this setting.
Stock ManagementThe workflow of stock management can be defined using this location.

3. From the left navigation select, select Stock Location, then select Add New Record.

4. Complete the requested details, Location name is required, then click Save.

Note: The option for Default Location can be set for the primary location.

If there are more locations, continue to add locations as required.

Creating Warehouse Location Fields

1. From the left navigation pane, under Warehouse, select Stock Custom Fields.

There are 6 custom fields available to use in association with the warehouse, these are used to indicate the specific location of where the stock is located. 

2. To use a custom field, ensure there is a tick, in the Display column next to the desired field, and ensure the Screen Name is indicative of the location, then click Save.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.