The purpose of Job Locking is to prevent people from making changes to the job. A system Administrator can unlock/lock jobs and set up the permissions relating to this feature.

It has 3 setup requirements;

1. The System Administrator must determine the Locking setting that they want to apply across the system.

2. The System Administrator determines if Users have the ability to Lock/Unlock a Job, using the User Roles (Permissions).

3. Nominated Users (defined in step 2) can lock and unlock the job.

Step 1 - The Locking Setting

Any user with the permission of Administrator can set the Locking across the system. The Locking options are visible in the Process Flow settings. 

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Process Flow, then Lock Option.

The 3 Lock settings are visible under What method of lock would you like to use.

Refer to the table below for what the function will allow users to do within Jobs when the Job Locking is enabled.


Lock product editing 

(Default setting)

Lock product editing and descriptions

Lock product editing, descriptions and status changes


Print Job Ticket


Revert Job to an Estimate


Revert a Job to an Order (visible for eStore only)


Re-Run Customer Details


Edit the Quantity Description 


Add Main Items


Add Sub-Items


Re-Run Main or Sub Items


Edit Item Descriptions


Update Pricing


Change the Job Status


Change the Item Status


Create an Invoice from the Job


Step 2 - User Roles

Refer to the table below for what the function will allow users to do within Jobs when the Job Locking is enabled.

1. Click the Settings cog wheel, then ePrint MIS.

2. Click Company, then Users.

(The Locking option is located midway down the page)

Two options are available; 

- Locking -with this permission will be able to Lock and Unlock the Job.

- Can Ignore Lock -with this permission enabled a user can still edit and save a locked job. 

3. Select the option then click Save.

Note: A user with Administrator access can lock / unlock jobs with their access level.

Step 3 - Locking A Job

Once the settings have been enabled for the system and users, a job can then be locked and unlocked.

1. Open a Job.

2. Click Job Options, then select Lock Job.

The Job will show Job Locked in the Customer Details panel.

The system setting that was applied for Job Locking (in step 1) will now be enabled, for example there will be fewer options in the Job Options panel and the Quick Access Bar will have restricted options.

Note: To unlock a job, click Job Options, then select Unlock Job.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.