When creating Products in ePrint, a Pricing structure must be created.

The pricing will be displayed when choosing to create an estimate or job using the item type 'Product Catalogue'. If the product is to be displayed on an eStore, the selling price will be visible to the customer.

The pricing is created when creating a new product. The options to select from are;

Simple Matrix

Price Bands

Large Format Matrix

Simple Matrix

As the name suggests this is the simplest pricing structure to apply to a product. (It is also the default selection)

Use this type of matrix when you want to sell the items in fixed quantities, in the example (Figure 1) shows the quantities that will be available are 25, 150, 300, 450 and 600.

This scenario may be used when you want to offer customers the option of a better price when they order a higher quantity. 

(Figure 1)

When building the estimate/job, using this matrix, the pricing will display as shown in Figure 2. Selections can only be made from the quantities in the drop-down as they appear in the pricing matrix.

In this example 25, 150, 300, 450 or 600 are the only selections available, you cannot enter any other number.

(Figure 2)

Price Bands

This matrix is used if you want to sell items in flexible quantities, for example in the matrix displayed below, 1 - 5 products will be sold for $150 each, 6 - 10 products will be sold for $140 each, 11-20 products for $ 130 each.

When building the estimate/job, users can enter a specific quantity (up to 4). In the example below, 1 product is sold for $150, 5 products would be $750 (5 x 150=750), 15 would be $1950 (15 x 140).

Large Format Matrix

Use this type of matrix when you want to price the items based on their measurements (sq meter/square foot).

The values From and To are entered with the associated pricing.

When the estimate/job is raised the quantity can be entered and you have the flexibility of entering the size of the item.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.