When an estimate is progressed to a Job, the estimate becomes archived. It is no longer visible in the Estimate view, however opening the job, you will be able to see the Estimate number in the Quick Links panel, clicking on the link will open the Estimate.
Similarly when an online order is progressed to a Job, the order becomes archived. Like the estimate, opening the Job, you will find the Order number in the Quick Links panel. If the Job contains multiple main items, the whole job can only be reverted to an order, not individual items.
There may be occasion when you need to revert a job or items within it back to the estimate stage, or if it is an online order received through an eStore that has progressed to a Job, it may need to be reverted back to an Order.
The purpose of this article is to explain how to revert Jobs back to either Estimate or Order stage.
To revert a job to an estimate, watch the video below.
To revert a job that was originally an online order to an order, watch the video below.
Once a Job/Order has been archived it cannot be reverted back to a live job.
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.