When your system is created, it is created taking into consideration the region of your business. These settings can be reviewed and adjusted if required.

The company profile settings can only be changed/edited by a user with Administrator access.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Company, then Regional Settings.

The options available can be adjusted according to your specific region. 

Figure 1 - Regional settings for Australia, UK region

Language - Set the language according to your region, options include US/Canada English or UK English
Date Format - Set the preferred format style to be used across ePrint. Drop-down selections to choose from include;

Spelling Options- Adjust the spelling for each commonly use word in ePrint
  • Colour / Color
  • Organisation / Organization
  • State / Province / Territory
  • Centre / Center
  • Postcode / Zip Code
  • Metre / Meter
Weights & Measures - adjust the paper weights and measures to be used in the system, you can only set one measurement system and one measure of weight.
gsm / lbs / mm / inches
Titles - There are two sections to update titles in ePrint.
  • Page Title refers to the name that will appear in the browser tab when using ePrint.
  • Company Title can be updated according to your company name.
Time Zone - make a selection for the appropriate time zone that applies to your region.
Cost Centre Enabled - This setting is used to turn on the cost centre function in the CRM module. Cost centres enable you to quote a customers internal cost centre on their invocie so the customer knows which part of the business to charge the invoice to.
Fiscal Year - set the date range according to the fiscal/tax year according to your region.

3. Make any adjustments then click Save.

Figure 2 - Regional settings for United States, Canada region

Associated Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.