The Company Profile Settings is the location to setup the specifics of your company including the address details, website information and preferred contact details. The information contained on this page can potentially flow through to your ePrint templates, including estimate, delivery notes, purchase orders and invoices.

The company profile settings can only be changed/edited by a user with Administrator access.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Company, then Profile.

The company profile settings are displayed as follows, refer to the table below for further information.

Company Name - Enter your company name as you would like it referenced throughout ePrint.
Company Address1-4, Company Country - May be entered as the company physical address or postal address. You do not have to complete all the address 1-4 fields, however the country is mandatory.
Currency - Select from the drop-down list the currency type to be reference throughout ePrint.
Company Telephone/Company Fax - Specify the company phone and fax numbers to be referenced.
Company Email - Enter the company email that you want referenced on templates such as estimates or invocies. You can also have other email addresses appear on templates such as the email of the person who created the estimate.
Company URL - Enter the website URL of your company.
Company Number - If you want to add your company registration number you can do so here.
Tax Number - Enter the tax number assigned to your business. This can appear on templates such as estimates or invoices.

3. Make any adjustments then click Save.

Associated Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.