When you want to ensure that invoices are sent to the correct person at your customer you can allocate a default invoice contact. This means the person receiving the invoice can be different to the person who placed the order.
Note: The steps below assume a new Customer is being added to ePrint.
If your customer and contact already exists, please start at step 6.
1. Click CRM, then select Add New Customer.
2. Complete the fields as required, then click Save.
Note: The only the Company Name is required, the address details are the physical address.
3. From the left navigation pane, click Contacts, then select the Add New Contact button on the top right.
4. Complete the required details, in this example, Tony Baker is the contact who is to receive all invoicing for this company. Ensure the email address is completed. As good practice all the address fields should also be completed.
Note: In the current example the Department currently refers to Main. This was the address entered in step 2. The Main Department is likely the Head Office location or the primary location for the Company. A new Department (such as another office location or actual department name for larger organisations) can be added by clicking the + plus symbol besides the heading Department.
5. Click Save.
Note: If the contact is located at a different office, click the + plus symbol against Department to add an alternative location.
6. From the left navigation, select Departments.
7. Open the Department (in this example Main), then click the drop-down against Invoice Contact, selecting the name of the person to receive invoices.
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.