When Customers, Suppliers and Prospects are added to ePrint they are usually imported using a specially designed spreadsheet. They are categorised by the purpose and will be visible when clicking the CRM and selecting the appropriate category name.

If you are manually adding the details of a new company, it is important to understand the structure of the CRM to ensure all your customer information is captured.

It is possible to add the details of a new customer/supplier/prospects details as you build an estimate, or a job. However, in this article we will reference Customers to explain the best practice to manually set up Customers, Suppliers and Prospects directly in the CRM, using a customer as reference.

The CRM structure in ePrint is:

  • To have a company which is either a Customer, Prospect, or Supplier.
  • Within each company there will be one or more Departments.
  • Each Department has a delivery and invoice address allocated to it
  • Within the Company there will be one or more Contacts (the people who work within the company).
  • Each Contact is allocated to a Department.
  • Each Contact can have a Contact Address, which can be different to their Department Delivery and Invoice address.

Each Company entered into ePrint must have a name, and although not initially mandatory it is normal to also add an associated address. (It should be noted that an option with ePrint settings to add an address at the time a company is created can be set to making the address a mandatory entry). 

This address is then used in the companies initial department that the system refers to as "Main". A department may be a physical location of the company, or it may be a section of the organisation such as Marketing or Finance. There is no limit to how many departments can be created for each company and each department can have its own delivery address and invoice address allocated to it.

Once Departments are created you then can create Contacts for each Department, again, there is no limit to the number of Contacts that are added to the company record. 

Manually Entering the Customer Details

When manually entering the details of a new customer the basic principle would be;

STEP ONE - Add the Company Details and edit the Main department details.

STEP TWO - Add the Department information, including any associated primary delivery address and invoice address.

Note: Delivery addresses can be added to each job individually and will therefore populate over time.

STEP THREE - Add individual Contacts

This process is outlined below.

Add the Company Details

1. Click CRM, then select Add New Customer.

2. Enter the general Company Details populating the fields according to the headings provided, then click Save.

The address entered here will be referred to as the Main Address and will be used in the Main Department which the system will automatically create for you.

Editing the Main Department

1. Click Departments, (on left navigation pane), note the Department contains a Delivery Address, and an Invoice address.

These fields can be edited by clicking on and opening the Main Department, it can also be renamed so that it is more meaningful, for example, Head Office or Admin.

2.  Click the Main Department, within the dialog box you can change the Department Name.

3. Under Delivery Address and Invoice Address are the options to Edit/Change/New Address Link under the corresponding heading.

Note: You can also edit these address in an estimate, job or invoice.

4. When the Edit/Change Address is selected, click Add New Address.


Enter the new address, then click Save.

The Main Department will now reference the Invoice address. Click Save.

Each time an address is entered into ePrint, it is saved to the Addresses location for that Customer. 

Entering Other Departments

There can be more then one department in ePrint. For example, there may be different locations for the Company, each of these can be created with their own Invoice and Delivery information.

To create another Department;

1. Click Departments (left navigation pane), then select Add New Department (top right).

2. Enter a Department Name, then click Change/New Address.

3. Click Add new Address, enter the required details, then click Save.


The Details update, note the Delivery address references the new location, in this example, all invoicing can still go to the Sydney office.

Note: A Delivery Address will not allow you to enter a Post Office Box.

The Departments page will update.

Adding Contacts

When all the Company and Department details are entered the final stage when manually entering details to the CRM is to add the contacts.  Contacts are the people you work with in the company.

1. Click Contacts (left navigation), then select Add New Contact (top right).

2. Enter the details of the individual contact and select the correct Department for them to be allocated to.

Note: Selecting their Department will automatically add the address details for the Department, if the contact moves to a different Department it can easily be updated by using the drop-down.

If the Department information changes, editing the Department information will automatically update the information for each contact in that department. When changes are made, an onscreen prompt is displayed.


When a Contact is created in ePrint it will be associated with a Department, this means their Invoice address is directly linked to the address in the Department.

 If the Department address details change you only need to edit the Department address, rather then editing each individual contact.

Each time a delivery is made to a customer the address must be entered into ePrint. You can do this within an estimate, job, or invoice. When you add the delivery address it will automatically get saved and stored in the CRM against the record for that customer in the address location.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.