Braintree is a service provided by PayPal, that makes it easier for online payments to be made. This can be utilised with a B2B or B2C eStore.

When a customer makes a purchase on the eStore they are provided payment options that can be enabled for the store, this may include Cheque/Money order, Direct Credit, PayPal or Credit Card.

Braintree is a third party online payment system (owned by PayPal), that can be linked to your online eStore. When a customer pays with a credit card, the payment is processed by Braintree and then paid into your nominated account. It means payments are received seamlessly.

To setup Braintree integration with an eStore, you will need to do the following;

1. Create an account with Braintree and access the API details from Braintree

2. Send a request to us at Support and advise that you would like to enable Braintree on the eStore, ensure to send the API details from step 1. 

3. The Support team will email you to advise you when the setup is complete

4. Select Braintree as the preferred payment methods for the eStore.

In the following section of this article an overview of how to view & edit the payment options is explained, Braintree has been enabled for the eStore. This can be done after receiving the confirmation in step 3 above.

Enabling Braintree Payment Methods

Only a user with Administrator access can change these settings.

1. Click the Settings cog wheel (top right corner), then select ePrint eStore.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click General, then Payment Options.

3. Click Change and select the eStore name across the top panel that you are setting the payment information for.

4. Enable the Online Payment option.

5. Use the Enable tickboxes to turn on the desire payment methods, then choose one to be the default method. 

In the example below, Braintree has been selected in the Credit Cards option &  set as the Default.

Note: with the credit cards, you must also nominate which Credit card your eStore will accept.

6. Click Save.

How will this appear to Customers on the eStore?

When a customer places an order on the eStore on the Payment page, the payment options will be visible. In this scenario the credit card details are shown for the customer to complete.

Note: There is no reference to Braintree.

Additional Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.