The All Items Details panel is a feature available in estimates, orders, jobs and invoices. It will be visible in addition to the customer details panel and the main items panel(s).

The All Items Details panel is the last panel that will be automatically displayed at the bottom of the estimates, orders, jobs and invoices. Its purpose is to collate and summarise all the costs of the main items into a single, one click panel. 

Those uses who have one of our eStore modules will be familiar with this panel as Orders already have this feature and we have now added it to Estimates, Jobs, and Invoices as well.

This information is a reference panel, additionally there is provision to display a comments section. The comments are entered when re-running the customer details.

1. Click Estimate Options.
2. Select Re-Run Customer Details.
1. Click Job Options.
2. Select Re-Run Customer Details.
1. Click Invoice Options.
2. Select Re-Run Customer Details.

When saved these comments will be displayed in the All Details panel.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.