Additional Options are used in conjunction with the Products module. They allow you to build the specifications and associated costs for a product. When selections are made the pricing may vary according to the options provided.

This can be applied for Estimates and Jobs that are using the Item Type, Product Catalogue.

These can also be applied for Products that have been added to an eStore.

Additional options are created using a type of question and answer scenario, and require an associated formula to be created.

There are 3 types of formulas that may be applied to an Additional Option;

1. Single Simple Question

2. Multiple Choice

3. Simple Matrix

Some examples of Additional Options formulas are as follows;

Single Simple Question

The user is prompted with a question, their response determines the value that is applied to the cost of the product.

For example, the question may be to gift wrap the product, based upon their answer the appropriate fee will be applied.

Multiple Choice

The user makes a selection from a drop-down list, as they make their selection the price may vary. In this example, the type of paper material they select will vary the cost of the product.

Simple Matrix

A user is presented with variations in sizes of binding coils that may be used for their job. Upon making a selection the pricing is updated.

Creating an Additional Option

In the example below an overview of the Additional Options window is provided and an example using the multiple choice question type.

1. Click Products, then select Additional Options.

2. Click Add New Record (top right corner).

The options below are displayed, and an overview of each provided below, items marked with an asterix are required.

Name Enter a name for the Additional Option
User Friendly NameThe Friendly name is visible on an eStore product, it will also appear on templates if the tag is selected to display.
CategoryAllocate the Additional Option to an appropriate category for easy selection.
Calculation TypeThere are 3 primary calculation types that are available for an additional options;
Simple Single Question - User is prompted with a question, their response will invoke a calculation for example:
Multiple Choice - User must select from a list of possible options in a drop-down list, for example:
Matrix - The matrix uses a table effect, where the user can select from a heading and the appropriate calculation will be applied.
Depending on the selection made here, the window will update accordingly.
SupplierA supplier who is listed in the CRM can be attached to the Additional cost, this is useful if the item is outsourced to the same supplier.
Help TextWhen this option is completed a blue question mark will appear next to the additional option, when the user hovers their mouse over it the help text will appear, providing them with additional help information when completing the additional option.
Calculation Design WindowThis window will vary depending on the calculation type selected, Simple Single Question, Multiple Choice or Matrix.

3. In the example below a multiple choice option has been designed.

Name - Colour For Wedding Invitations

User Friendly Name - Colour (this is visible to the user on the eStore or within the Product Catalogue screen)

Category - allocate the Additional Option to a specific Category, selections can be made from the drop-down list or add other categories by clicking the plus symbol.

Calculation Type - Multiple Choice was selected.

Supplier - No selection has been applied as this option is not specific to a supplier.

Note: A Sub-Additional Option is 

Help Text - The information entered here is intended to assist the user by providing information about their selection.

Additional Option is Mandatory - When selected the user is forced to make a selection from a drop-down list. This becomes useful as it ensures a complete specification of job requirements is recorded with the quote/order.

3. After completing the top selections, complete the details of the pricing. In the example below.

  • The Calculation Type is set to Fixed Value allowing for a standard value to be applied to each colour, this may also incorporate a formula where greater detail is required. 
  • Enter either the Markup % or a Selling Price. The selling price is visible to the user. 

4. Then click Save.

Applying an Additional Option

1. Open the Product.

2. Click the Additional Options tab.

3. Click the tick box to select the Name from the left side, then click the right arrows to transfer to the right, 

4. Click Save

This allocates the additional option to the product.

When a customer orders this item on an eStore this Additional Option will appear as a drop-down list. Making a selection will update the pricing.

If a quote or job is created using the Product type, Product Catalogue, the additional option selections will be visible after making the selection of the Product Catalogue step.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.