In the Hexihub system, there is the option to create and run a variety of reports, these can then be viewed and further configured in Excel. 

For example, you may want to run and view a report that when opened by the Salesperson, it will show how much revenue they have made where they are the nominated salesperson. 


To create the report, there are 2 requirements;

1. The salesperson user role is defined so that the information displayed is for the Salesperson only.

2. The report is created by an administrator.

Once this is done the salesperson will be able to run & download the report to Excel, however they will not be able to adjust the report settings. 

Roles & Permissions

To ensure the role has the required permissions for the user to access the report, the system administrator will need to edit the users role. The steps below will guide you through editing existing permissions, however if you are setting up a new role, you may also need to review the article Access Permissions.

1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Company, then select Users.

3. Locate the role to edit & open it, then scroll through to locate the following headings, ensuring they are enabled.

4. Under Reports tick the options under Show and Export, according to the reports they are to have access to.


4. Locate the settings under the heading Records, then select the option Show as per allocation [Sales Persons]

When this option is enabled, and the user with this permission runs a report, they will only see the records where they are the nominated salesperson.


The steps below will outline how to create and allocate a report to a specific user, for this example the report will be created using the Jobs module.

1. Click Jobs, select Reports, then click the tab Customize Reports.

2. Tick any of the required fields to display in the report.

3. Move through the screen options, note there are grey panels dedicated to separate functions including Sort/Group, Filters (for example to set a date range for the report) and Aggregate Functions (in built calculations that will quickly display information such as Totals). 

4. Click the Save and run report panel, then enter a name for the report & click Save.

Salesperson - Running the Report

1. Salesperson logs into Hexihub

2. Click Jobs, select Reports, and open the report.

The report will run & display only the records where the logged in Sales Person has been nominated in the job.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.