When an order is placed on an eStore, it will be displayed on the Orders page, the order can be progressed to a job from the View All Orders page or by opening the Order and using the quick links or Orders drop-down list.
This article will outline all 3 options.
To Progress Order/s from the Orders Screen to A Job
1. Click Orders, then select View All Orders.
2. Select the Order/s to progress by clicking the tick box to the left of the Order number (1), then select the master drop down (2), and click Progress to Job (3).
Note: If selecting multiple orders numbers, they will each become their own job.
3. A dialog box is displayed allowing you to specify dates, raise a delivery note and/or purchase order.
Note: If you have selected multiple orders, each order becomes it's own independent job, and any raised delivery note or purchase order will be associated with the connected job.
4. Click OK.
To Progress an Order Using the Order Options menu
To progress an order form the Order Options menu;
1. Click the Orders module, then open the Order.
2. Click Order Options, then select Progress to Job.
3. Complete the details as required, then click OK.
To Progress an Order Using the Quick Links
Alternatively you can also open an order and progress it to a job.
1. Click the Orders module, then open the Order and click the Create option in the Quick links panel (on the left).
3. Complete the details as required, then click OK.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.