In the Hexicom system you can record a payment against an Invoice. This article will show you how to do this. 

1. Click the Invoices tab.

The invoices in the list screen will be displayed based on the view that has been selected.

Click on the invoice you want to record the payment in to open up the invoice record.

2. After the Invoice has been selected, the page will open on the invoice summery screen displaying all the information about that invoice.

Select the top panel called Customer Details and it will open displaying the details of the customer, the address fields, invoice title etc.

3. On the right side of the Customer Details panel you will see a field called Invoice Paid, select the Plus icon.

4. In the pop up if no payments have been made then the text in the blue square will display "No Payments Made", select Click here to record a Payment.

5. The Invoice Payment pop up screen displays the fields to record the payment.
If the Invoice has already had a payment recorded, it will show a statement of the recorded payment made.

Payment: In Full or In Part means to record payment of the full amount of the invoice or record a partial payment.

Amount Paid ($): Is where you record how much has been paid if it is a partial payment.

Payment Mode: Displays payment methods, some examples are; PayPal, Credit Card and Stripe. 

Payment Date: Is the date the payment was made.

Notes: For any reminders/notes you may want to record.

Click the Record & Close button to save the payment details you have added.

6. The payment pop up screen then displays your entries as below.

7. In the invoice summery screen in the top Customer Details panel the payment status is now displayed either as Paid in Full or Partially Paid.


If you have any further questions, please contact Support.