This support article follows on from: Overview of Product Additional Options

This Article is going to explain how to create Additional Options with Sub-Options. 

The function for Additional Sub-Options enables the user to have a top level option and then depending on what selection they make in the top level option they then see different second level options.

An example of where this is used might be for some product labels.

The first level option might have 5 label types

Depending on what type is selected a second option then appears where the color of the label can be selected.


The process of creating Sub-Options is as follows:

1. Create the Additional Sub-Option or options 

2. Create an Additional Options Group

3. Create an Additional Option and link it to the Additional Options Group

4. Finally allocate the Additional Option to the Product where you want it to be used.


The Sub-Options stay within the Additional Options Group which stays within the Additional Option.

Process to Create Sub-Options and Allocate them to a Main Option

1. Click Products, then select Additional Options. 

2. Click Add New Record (top left corner). 

Create the Sub-Option

3. Create the Name of your Sub-Option and the User friendly Name.

4. Select a Category that corresponds correctly to the Sub-Option created.

5. The option called "Multiple Choice Question" has to be selected, then select "Sub Additional Option" to start the Sub-Option process.

6. Calculation Type's options can either be Fixed Value or Formula.

7. Add as many labels to the Sub-Option as necessary. When that's completed, select Save.

Labels that have no text in them, when done, selecting the red cross on the right side will delete those fields.

Create the Additional Options Group 

8. Next step is to handle the creation of an Additional Options Group. To do this you need to hover over the Products and select Additional Options Group.

9. Create a Group Name in the field called "Additional Option Group Name" then select Save.

10. Select the name of the group created, Select Select.

Re-naming an Additional Option Group can be done by selecting the group, changing the name in the top field and selecting Save.

11. Find the Sub-Option that was just created and allocate it to the Group.

Create the Top level Additional Option

12. Next step is to create an Additional Option that the sub options will sit under. To do that you need to hover over the Products and select Additional Options.

13. Follow the same steps as creating the Sub-Option. Select Additional Options.

14. In the Groups Column a drop down will appear, select the Additional Options Group. When all Groups have been selected select save.

15. Go to the desired Product and select the Additional Options Tab.

16. Find the Additional Option and allocate it to the Selected Options.

17. Check how the option and sub options appear in the eStore.

Here is an Example of what it could look like.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.