In Hexihub Software it is possible to export invoices from the system directly to your connected QuickBooks account, clients may do this on a daily or weekly basis or as required.

This article is going to explain how to export Invoices from Hexihub system to QuickBooks and to batch email to customers. 

Fields to include when using Quickbooks:

Invoice Title

Customer PO#

Sales Person

Contact Address

Delivery Address

Invoice Address

Note: The addresses are important because depending on where the order gets sent, it will have different implication on the tax's applied to that order.

1. Select the QuickBooks icon in the upper right corner, then a pop-up will display, select the "Invoices" option then select the "Export" button.

2. Select the invoices of your choosing and select "Update on Quickbooks".

3. Then what should display is that the amount of Invoice/s have been exported successfully.

4. Next is to sign-in to your Quickbooks account and travel to the "Sales" tab, then see your recently exported invoice/s are displaying.

5. When all that looks good, select the invoice/s by selecting the tick boxes and selecting the "Batch actions", and selecting "Send".

6. Then a pop-up will appear saying that the Invoices have been sent.

Other Information - Checking Information

1.  To check the invoices have the correct information, select the Invoice and select "Edit Invoice".

2. On this screen, there will be the invoice fields from the Hexicom Software view in the beginning, displaying in these fields below:

3. In the second half of that page there will display a table with the invoice details such as Products/Service, Description, Qty, Rate, Amount and Tax. on this screen, select "See the math" to view

4. In this screen, it's going to break down all the information in regards to the "Customer", "Location and addresses" and "Products and Services". This is to check that all the information in these sections are correct.

Note: In the "Location and Addresses" section it sorts out by State, County and then Municipality, meaning that if you send out orders to a lot of different physical locations in a lot of different cities and towns.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.