In the Hexihub system, you can add images to Estimate and Job templates, this will allow your customers to view images in a preview on the template.
In the templates for either Estimates or Jobs, there is a tag that will display an image onto the template.
1. In the template editing screen, the tags section at the bottom has a tag named "JobEstFile", select that tag:
2. When the "JobEstFile" tag is on the template, you can place the tag near the bottom or to the side of the items. When a place has been selected, enlarge the tag(the image size is connected to the size of the tag):
As long as it's placed within the Items section, the "JobEstFile" tag will work.
3. Next is to allocate the tag to an items group shown here:
This is done so that the "JobEstFile" tag is moving correctly along with all other items.
4. In an Estimate or Job, the way to add an image is to select "Estimate Options" then select "Attachments":
5. In the pop-up always select the "Item Specific" option, select the "Add new record":
Note: It is possible for multiple images to be used on a template.
6. Select the "File Specific To:" and select the item in the Estimate or Job, always select "Display This File to PDF", then select the "Browse..." button and select the image file, when the image/s have all been picked, select the "Upload" button:
Note: Only image file formats can be used, not PDF.
7. Preview the Estimate or Job and then image is displayed.
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.