When creating a product, there is a template section of the Hexicom system. The main function of the product templates is to create editable tags for the customer to input the desired text in the product, for example this editable cards or papers that are to be sold; such as Business Cards would need to have the customers Phone numbers, names and Job title.

This article is going to explain the sections of setting up a template, including all the sections that will help you to understand how to design within the template system.


How to arrive at the Edit Product screen

1. Select the product you would like to begin editing:

2. Select "Editable" and select "Save & Stay":

3. A new tab will appear in the Product, named "Edit Product":

4. A PDF file needs to be uploaded into the Product, this can be done by select "Browse..." and then select your PDF file:

When you upload the PDF file, it may take 5-10 minutes to complete the upload.

5. Then select this icon next to the right of the product to access the Edit Product screen:


The Tags/Options section have two types of options to choose from, One are tags the other are options.


Add Text Places a text field onto the Main template.
Add Image Places an image placeholder onto the Main template.
Add Paragraph Adds a text field, except it allows for a paragraph sized text field.
Add Date Adds a date field that automatically displays the current date.


Quick Adjust A pop-up that provides an overview of all information that the fields have.
Manage Group Creates and manages groups within the template, also holds options regarding how groups are connected and act within a group.

The Header section has options that refer to the management of the template. these are separated into sections: Document and field options, Text Justifications and Font options, Field Justifications and zooming settings, page options.

Document Settings

Copy This function copies a field that has been selected (any field can be copied).
Paste This function pastes the copied field.
Cut This function takes the field off the template and can be pasted back.
Delete all fields and start from scratch Removes all fields from the template, essentially starting from scratch.
Delete Deletes a selected field.

Text Settings

Text JustificationsWithin a field, chooses which justification the text will be assigned.
Bold Makes text bold.
Italic Makes text italic.

Template Settings

Left AlignAligns a field to the left.
Center AlignAligns a field to the center.
Right AlignAligns a field to the right.
Zoom InZooms in by 5%.
Zoom OutZooms out by 5%.
Zoom FunctionInput number to configure the zoom of the template.
Template CopyCopies only the fields of another product template.
Rotate ObjectInput a number to rotate the field or object.
PageInput a number to find a page.

The drop-down menu's help to configure a Text, Image, Date and Paragraph field in a template, depending on the field selected, these drop-downs will change based on the kind of drop-down menu options. Generally the text, paragraph and date fields are the same except for the paragraph field doesn't have a "Label" drop-down.

The Image object has it's own separate drop-down options:

Identify Menu: This menu identifies what kind field or object you have selected, I.e if you select a text field then it will display "TEXTBLOCK".

Information: The information menu configures the naming and user interactivity.

Field NameThis field displays what the field name is called, but only for the back-end template.
Friendly NameThis field displays what the field name is called, but only for the front-end template.
Help TextThis field will display on the front-end as a tiny icon that the user can view, is used if you have information you think the user will need
MandatoryThis option configures whether or not the user has to input text into that field.
Non EditableMakes it so that the user can't edit the field or object.
Hide from the end userThis will hide the field from the user

Layout: This drop-down configures the positions, field size and rotation.

Position X-from leftThis will adjust the position of a field horizontally.
Y-from bottomThis will adjust a field vertically.
Lock positions for the end userThis will lock the field so that the user can't move the field on their end.
Max WidthThis will adjust the width of the field, allowing for more or less text space.
Rotate AngleThis will rotate the field.
On exceeding widthThese options decide what happens when text becomes bigger than the field space.

Font: This menu holds options on ways to configure text and fields.

Choose StyleThis is a list of styles that change font and size.
FontThis changes the font in a field.
Manual TrackingThis tracks how how much distance there is between letters, this helps with allowing more or less words in a field.
Data TypeThis changes the kind of text that is allowed in a field; Text or Numbers.
JustifyThis will justify the field to either the left, center or right.
CapitalizationThis holds multiple options on how a field can be capitalized.

Colour: This menu configures the colour of a field and or text.

Choose StyleThis provides multiple styles of colours.
Spot ColourThis
Colour CodeThis allows for an exact colour to be input.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.