In the Hexicom system it is possible to use Coupon Codes for the discounting of products, this is a feature that can be used for your eStore.

What will be explained through this article is how to create the coupon codes then the allocation of coupon codes to the product/s and then how to use the coupons on the products.


How to Create a Coupon Code

First start with selecting the "Settings" icon, then selecting "ePrint eStore":

Select "Coupon Code" at the bottom left corner, select "Change" to the eStore that you want to use this for, then select "Add New Record":

Next is to create the Coupon Code, to do this you need to start with the Coupon Code field:

Coupon Code
This field will be the actual coupon code used for the products.
Create multiple coupon codesThis field will enable multiple uses of the coupon code.
When you do want multiple coupon codes then this extra field will be created called, 
(For example if you input 1 - 10 coupon codes it will create all 10 codes.)
DescriptionThis field is optional, for example it can be used to explain what products the coupon code is used for.
This field has a drop-down menu (%), you can either pick a "%" or "$" to discount the product.
These codes can be used multiple timesThen select the tick box if you want multiple uses for the coupon codes or don't tick it if you only want it to work once.

In the Coupon Code field make sure not to use characters like commas, colons or dash's in the Coupon Code field otherwise the Coupon Codes won't work correctly.

Then when you select "Create Code", something like this should display:

Assigning the Coupon Codes

The next step is to assign the Coupon Codes to the products, to do this select the "Products" tab and select the product/s you want to have the coupon codes used for.

Then when your in the product, select "Coupon Code Options", tick the box next to the Coupon Codes, select the middle arrow points to the right, then the Coupon Code/s will be assigned.
Then select "Save".

Using the Coupon Codes

In the eStore cart screen after selecting a product for purchase, the customer would use the coupon code by inputing it into the field named "Provide your coupon code here" and selecting the "Apply" button:

Then the Coupon Code has been applied to the product:

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.