This article is going to explain how to Re-Run an Outwork Item and how the description tick boxes/options work.


How to Re-Run an Outwork Estimate

1. When Re-running an outwork item, on the first screen you can see the description text about the item that is being sent to the suppliers for them to price on. 

If you scroll to the bottom of the screen there is a tick box.  If you tick this box when you save this screen the changes you made to the descriptions fields will copy across to the description fields in the estimate item summery screen, and these will be seen by the customer in their estimate.

(This is ticked automatically)

For example: If you add some text into this blank field here:

Example text: Booklet

Then when you have completed the re-running of your Outwork item, it will appear in the main Estimate screen if you had that tick box ticked, see below:

How to Re-Run an  Outwork Job/Order/Delivery Note

1. In an Outwork Job, there are multiple tick boxes, these will copy any new changes/additions to the following fields:

Customer job item description fields: Updates the items descriptions to the Job summery screen.

Purchase order item description fields: Updates the items description in the Purchase Order being sent to the supplier. 

Delivery note item description fields: Updates the items descriptions in the Delivery Note.

These are ticked automatically

If you have any further questions, please contact Support