In the Hexihub system, when creating a Stock Job that is to arrange a supplier to send you an amount of stock asked for, there is a function in the Hexihub system that helps to signal that you have received the stock from the supplier, in doing so this reduces the Outwork Production Quantity with that stock product.
This article is going to explain the workflow on how to complete the process of receiving stock.
1. To start first, In the Orders Module, select a Stock Order.
2. Progress that Order into a Job:
3. Select the Purchase Order:
4. In the Purchase Order screen, select the "Goods Received" tick box:
5. Then select "Save & Stay":
6. A popup will then appear, in this popup, select the location you want to receive the stock into and input the quantity you have received then select "Save & Close":
7. Then when all of the stock has been received, the "Goods Received" tick box will be greyed out:
This means that when you have received all of the stock, it will become grey and not select-able anymore.
8. In the Stock Management popup, the Outwork Production Qty would've had a 1 in it from the Stock Job.
9. Now that you have ticked the "Goods Received" tick box and input the correct Qty amount, the Outwork Production Qty should now be 0:
If you have any further questions, please contact Support