This Article will explain how to make changes in the Tax Settings and explain how the Tax system settings work in the Hexihub system.


How to make changes to System Tax Settings

There are three locations in the Hexicom system where Tax rates can be configured.

To access the first System Tax settings, select the Settings icon and select "ePrint MIS":


1. Select the "Company" drop-down, select "Tax" then you can create a Tax Code:

There can be multiple taxes created in the system however only one Tax Rate can be set as the default. 


2. Select "Company" drop-down, select "Default Markup" then in "Default Tax Code" drop-down you can set a Tax Rate as the default in the system:

In the Customers CRM record: this tax only relates to that specific customer.

1. Select a Customer's CRM record and in the "Summary Information" select the "Edit" button:



2. A Customers Tax Rate can be changed in this drop-down:

For Products – this Tax Rate only relates to that specific product.

1. Select a Product, select the "Sales Tax Rate" drop-down to change the Tax Rate:




Countries Tax Rates

In countries such as Australia and New Zealand where there is only one sales tax and where all products are subject to sales tax the correct setting is: GST

In countries such as the UK and USA where tax rules are more complex some attention needs to be taken to ensure the configuration is set correctly.

Please make sure to set the correct tax in the system settings. If you also set the tax in the product and CRM records that is Ok but not necessary.

Tax Settings - Order of preference

1. The tax in the Customers CRM record will override all the other taxes if the tick box under the tax field is ticked.

2. If the customers record in the CRM does not have that tax override tick box ticked then the product tax will take precedence.

3. If the customers record in the CRM does not have that tax override tick box ticked, and if there is no tax selected in the product then the CRM tax will be applied.

4. If the customer record doesn’t have the tax override tick box ticked. and the estimate or job is not for a product then the customers CRM tax will take precedence.

5. If there is no tax set in the customers CRM record and the estimate or job is not for a product then the system tax will take effect.

The "Customers Edit" screen.

How the system should be set up

  • Customer CRM records should all have the correct tax selected for their location, but the tax over ride tick box should be left un-ticked.
  • The standard tax rate for your state and city should be set in the system settings.
  • All other products should have --Select-- in the tax field (unless they’re also a product with no tax).


By setting the system up this way

  • When you select any other product the tax will be taken from the customers CRM tax.
  • Any customer who hasn’t had their tax set will have the default system tax applied.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support