In your digital press settings, click-zones determine the cost per click for different ranges of clicks. Here's how the pricing works and how it affects the total cost of a job:

Click Zone Pricing:

  • First Zone: 1 to 100 clicks, with a selling price of $0.048 per click.

  • Second Zone: 101 to 500 clicks, with a selling price of $0.040 per click.

  • Third Zone: 501 to 1000 clicks, with a selling price of $0.036 per click.

As the number of clicks increases, the cost per click decreases, offering a lower price to your customers for larger jobs.

Example Calculations

  1. Job with 80 Clicks:
    • All 80 clicks are taken from the first zone.

    • Total Cost: 80 clicks x $0.048 = $3.84.

  2. Job with 400 Clicks:
    First 100 clicks are charged at $0.048 per click.

    Remaining 300 clicks are charged at $0.040 per click.

    Total Cost: (100 x $0.048) + (300 x $0.040) = $4.80 + $12.00 = $16.80.

  3. Job with 800 Clicks:
    First 100 clicks are charged at $0.048 per click.

    Next 400 clicks are charged at $0.040 per click.

    Remaining 300 clicks are charged at $0.036 per click.

    Total Cost: (100 x $0.048) + (400 x $0.040) + (300 x $0.036) = $4.80 + $16.00 + $10.80 = $31.60.

Without Zone Build Up Function

If the zone build-up function is not selected, the system simplifies the calculation by applying the cost from the appropriate zone based on the total number of clicks:

  • For 800 clicks, the system would use the third zone price.

  • Total Cost: 800 clicks x $0.036 = $28.80.

Benefits of Zone Build Up

The zone build-up method generally results in higher costs and, therefore, higher revenue, though it can be harder to visualize the calculation compared to the simpler method.

How to Change the Calculation Method

To change the calculation method, simply unselect the zone build-up function in your system settings. This change will apply to all future estimates and jobs for that press, and will also affect any existing estimates or jobs if they are rerun.