Follow these steps to create a product for your B2B or B2C eStore:

Step 1: Add New Product

  1. Navigate to the Products module.

  2. Click the “Add New Record” button.

Step 2: Assign the Product to a Category

  1. Select an existing category or create a new one.

  2. To create a new category:
    • Hover over the “Products” dropdown and click “Categories.”

    • Give the category a name and tick the box for “Category Visible to Customer/Public Accounts.”

      • For B2B: Tick the radio button for “Specific to customers” in the “Customers” section.
        • Click the “Select” link, find the B2B customer's name, tick the box next to their name, move it to the “Allocated Customers/Departments” side, and click the “Allocate” button at the bottom.

      • For B2C: Tick the box in the “Public Accounts” section.

    • Upload a thumbnail in the “Category Image” section to have a category thumbnail image visible to customers in the online store.

Step 3: Name the Product and Select Product Type

  1. After selecting the category, give the product a name in the “Item Title” field.

  2. Choose the Product Type as “Non Editable” or “Editable.”
    • Standard Product: Select “Non Editable.”
    • Variable Data Fields Product: Select “Editable.

Step 4: Fill in Product Details Fields

  • Item Code: A unique identifier for the product.
  • Customer Code: Specific code related to the customer for whom the product is created.
  • Supplier: If the product is outsourced, select the name of the supplier.
  • Sales Tax Rate: Applicable sales tax rate for the product.
  • Sales Accounting Code: Code used for accounting purposes on the sales side.
  • Purchase Accounting Code: Code used for accounting purposes on the purchase side.
  • Press Name: If done in-house, select the press that will be used for printing.
  • Default Preflight Profile: Preflight profile to check the quality of the print file.

(Optional) Step 5: Fill in Description Fields

  • Description: Brief overview of the product.
  • Artwork: Information related to the artwork required.
  • Color: Color specifications.
  • Size: Dimensions of the product.
  • Material: Type of material used.
  • Delivery: Delivery details.
  • Finishing: Finishing details.
  • Proofs: Proofing requirements.
  • Packing: Packing instructions.
  • Notes: Additional notes.
  • Terms/Instructions: Specific terms or instructions for the product.
  • Note: Fields can be renamed in settings, and additional custom fields can be added.

(Optional) Step 6: Fill in Dimensions Section

  • Length: Length of the product.
  • Height: Height of the product.
  • Per Quantity: Quantity measurements.
  • Cubic Measurement: Cubic measurement of the product.
  • Width: Width of the product.
  • Weight: Weight of the product.
  • Volumetric Weight: Volumetric weight for shipping purposes.
  • Override Cubic Measurement: Option to override the cubic measurement.

Step 7: Allocation Section

  • For B2B: Tick the radio button for “Specific to customers” in the “Customers” section.
    • Click the “Select” link, find the B2B customer's name, tick the box next to their name, move it to the “Allocated Customers/Departments” side, and click the “Allocate” button.

  • For B2C: Tick the box in the “Public Accounts” section.

Step 8: Set Pricing

  1. On the “Pricing” tab, set up your pricing. The pricing types are:
    • Simple Matrix: Basic pricing structure.
    • Price Bands: Tiered pricing based on quantity.
    • Large Format Matrix: Pricing for large format products.

Step 9: Configure eStore Settings

  1. On the “eStore Settings” tab, fill in the following fields:
    • Short Description: Brief description that goes under the product thumbnail.
    • Item Description: Detailed description that's visible on the product page.
    • Print Ready File: Upload a downloadable print-ready file.
    • PDF Watermarks: Option to add watermarks to PDFs.
    • Product Visible to Customer/Public Accounts: Toggle visibility to customers.
    • Product Details: Use the checkboxes to make the following visible for the product:
      • Short Description
      • Item Description
      • Price Start from
      • Price List
      • Unit Price
      • Pack Price
      • Price/Subtotal/Tax
    • Print Ready File: Display the downloadable print-ready file link.
    • Allow User to Upload Artwork File: Allow customers to upload artwork.
    • How Many Upload Boxes: Number of upload boxes for artwork.
    • Make the First File Upload Mandatory: Ensure the first file upload is required.
    • Show Stock: Display stock availability.
    • Show Sold in Packs: Display product's “sold in packs” amount.
    • Allow Group Run: Option to allow group runs.
    • Customer Code: Specific customer code.
    • Item Code: Unique item code.
    • Hide Prices of Additional Options: Option to hide prices of Additional Options.
    • Enable Quick Add Function: Allow the “quick add” functionality on thumbnail.
    • Add to Cart and Stay: Option to add to cart and stay on the same page.

      Note: Ensure that the option for Product visible to customer/public accounts is ticked so that the product is visible in the store.

Following these steps, you can efficiently create and manage products for B2B and B2C eStores.