The number of user accounts allocated to your system will usually be determined during the initial setup of your system, to change the number of users, you can initially send a request to Support who can respond to your enquiry.
Considerations when adding a new user:-
- Only a user with the access level of 'Administrator' can add new users.
- Adding a user will simply give them access to the system, it is then possible to provide them with a permission level to access different areas, it is recommended this is completed before adding them as a user, therefore please review the article on Access Permissions.
- The new user may be allocated to an individual or a group, for example the production team may share a login.
1. Click the Settings cog (top right corner), then select ePrint MIS.
The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.
2. Click Company, then select Users.
The window is divided into two (2) sections, The first section is dedicated to Roles, the second section is dedicated to Users. (Depending on the number of roles within your system you may need to scroll down to access the list of users.
3. Scroll to locate the Users section, then click Add New Record.
4. Enter the required fields - User Name, User Email, Password, Confirm Password and Assign Role.
Note: The role will need to be created first, and all the other fields are optional.
5. Click Save.