This article and video will outline how to create a Print Broker or Print Manager Estimate

1. Click the Estimates module, then select Add New.

2. Enter the Customer Name.

The details will be extracted from the customer list already in the system, or click the plus symbol to add a new customer. Then complete the remaining fields in the first column.

3. Under Item Type (right hand column), select Outwork.

This selection means the work is being outsourced for an external quote.

4. Under Estimate Title (second column), type a name for this Estimate.

Complete any further details in the second column (as required). 

5. Click Next.

6. Enter up to four (4) quantities to be quoted on, additionally use this screen to build the specifications required for the quote.

7. Specify the RFQ Return Date.

The date the supplier needs to return the quote by.

8. Specify the Job Completion Date.

The job is expected to be completed by, this can be set as an approximate date.

9. Click the Upload link to upload any artwork (if required).

10. Under Suppliers Selection, use the drop-down arrows to select one or more separate suppliers and their associated contact.

11. Click Print/Email.

A PDF file will be created by the system for each of the suppliers identified in step 8.

12. Click the Email tab.

Note: Each email will appear separately down the page, attachments, additional content specific to the supplier can be added and edits to each email can be made if required.

When the checkbox above each individual email is ticked, the email will be sent to that supplier, unchecking this option the email will not be sent Preview the email details and then click Send.

Note: The web link in the email will allow the supplier to click the link and enter their estimate.

Further Information

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.