Occasionally you may have an instance where a client or supplier advises they have not received an email that you have sent, or vice versa, there are multiple reasons why an email may not be received and although the junk mail is a location to check it may be a case of adding the contact to a safe senders list. This process is called "whitelisting", which specifically allows the email to arrive in the inbox and the email address is identified as a trusted address.

This article will assist in explaining how to whitelist an email address using some of the common email packages.

It is important to note that if the email address is entered in the email software package as a Contact then it will automatically bypass the Junk email and be delivered to the Inbox.

Microsoft Outlook (Outlook 2000 / Outlook 11 1)

  1. Open the email message. (it may be in the Junk folder)
  2. Right click the From field, then right click the email address.
  3. Select Add to Contacts.

Outlook 2010/2013

  1. Click the Home tab, select the Junk drop-down, then Junk E-mail Options.
  2. Locate the option for Safe Recipients.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type the email address (or copy and paste
  5. Click OK.


  1. Click the Spam  folder.
  2. Select the email message by clicking on the checkbox besides the message.
  3. Click More, then select Not Spam.


  1. Open Mac Mail.
  2. Open the Junk mail folder, locate and double-click the message that has been marked as spam.
  3. Right click the From field, then right click the email address.
    Note: One-button mouse - hold the Control key when clicking.
  4. Select Add to Address Book.

Further Information

  • Search "Whitelisting" in the required email package.

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.