This article will outline how to create a Large Format Estimate

It will identify the essential details that must be completed at each screen; however, it should be noted there are several settings at each screen that may require editing.

The video below will demonstrate how to create a Large Format Estimate using the Linear Calculation. In this example, we're doing an estimate for a Small Van Wrap.

The video below will demonstrate how to create a Large Format Estimate using the Square Foot Calculation. In this example, we're doing an estimate for some Display Boards.

1. Click the Estimates module, then select Add New.

2. Enter the Customer Name.

The details will be extracted from the customer list already in the system, or click the plus symbol to add a new customer. Then complete the remaining fields in the first column.

3. Under Item Type (right hand column), select Large Format, then select the Calculation type.

4. Under Estimate Title (second column), type a name for this Estimate.

Complete any further details in the second column (as required). 

5. Click Next.

6. Enter up to four (4) quantities to be quoted on, additionally use this screen to build the specifications required for the quote, then click Finish.

Note: All items marked with an asterix must be completed, the settings will default to the system settings for the specified printer.

Further Information

  • Adding a Large Format Printer

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.