An Approver in the B2B eStore is a nominated individual or group of people who are authorsised to approve orders that have been placed by the other eStore users.  For example; a manager may be designated to approve the orders of the general staff.

The Approver settings are visible in eStore settings.

1. Click the Settings wheel (top right corner), then select ePrint eStore.

2. Select Approval System (left navigation pane)

3. Click Change to select the appropriate B2B eStore (top of the window), then select Approval System Enabled.

Note: The window is arranged into panels, only one option from the top panels can be selected and each are detailed in this article.

Once the Approval System has been enabled other settings as listed below become available, refer to the tables below for an explanation of each option.

Main Approver / Department Approvers can approve
A Main Approver can approve any order placed from the eStore.  There is only one main Approver per eStore.

A Department approvers can approve orders for their department (Each department should have an approver selected in the CRM). You can have the same department approver for several departments if required.
In the CRM, specify in the Department settings the nominated Approver.
1. Click CRM to View All customers.
2. Open the customer record, then click Departments & open the desired Department name.
3. Select the nominated approver from the list of Contacts.
All approvers should enter the password during approval process.This option forces the approver to enter their password when approving an order.

User Designated Approvers
With this option ticked a user placing an order can nominate another user as their approver, so this is a more casual approval process than the one outlined above.
Designated approver's email address should end with...
A security option that ensures that the designated approver is from within the same company, just enter the nominated email address that is unique to the eStore customer.
For example, the company may use an email address structure of
The value entered into this field would be
Last designated approver becomes the default
This option allows the last user who was the nominated approver to be the set as the default approver.

Self Approval
With this option ticked the user approves their own orders. This is the most casual approval process. It enables a user to place an order and clear their cart. Then at a later date they can log back into the system and approve their own orders.

The final panel outlines the options relating to Rights and Privileges.

New Orders Require Approval
When enabled the options below can be activated.
Approval required for Orders for values above
This can be left blank so any order of any value can be approved, or a value can be specified in the text box provided. For example: if a value of $50 is entered then the order must be approved by a nominated approver. The user placing the order will be required to go through the approver to make the purchase.
Resend Approval email if no actions is taken after
Enter a value for the number of days. This will send an automated email to the approver that they need to approve an eStore purchase.
Auto Delete orders if action is not taken afterEnter a value for the number of days that an order will be automatically deleted if it has not been approved.
Auto change the Status <specify Status> of the order if no action is taken afterUsing the Status options, the system will automatically adjust the status to the one specified in the drop-down list after the specified number of days entered in the text box.
New Registration requires approvalWith this option enabled new users of the eStore will be able to register their details at the login screen. The approver must approve their registration before they can use the eStore.
Edited profile also requires approvalA user will not be able to edit their profile in the settings without getting approval.

Associated Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.