In the B2B eStore it is possible to set up an approval process for orders placed on the eStore, the Approver receives an email notification that an order has been placed on the eStore. In the email notification a link is displayed that will redirect to an approvals page where they can either Approve or Reject the order.
The person that placed the order will receive an email notification when the order has been approved or rejected. If it is rejected the approver has the opportunity to provide an explanation that will be visible in the email.
The recommended option for setting an Approval process is to set;
- A Department Approver.
- A Main Approver.
The Department Approver is an individual contact that can approve all orders. The department approver can be different for each department or the same individual, however only one department approver can be nominated per department.
There can only be a single Main Approver for each company (eStore), in the event that the department approver was unavailable (eg: if the department approver was on leave), the Main Approver would take over the approval process.
Setting A Department Approver
1. Click CRM, select View Customers, then open the Customer record.
2. Click Departments (left navigation panel), then open the Department record.
3. Click the drop-down on Department Default Contact and Approver, then select the desired name.
Setting the Main Approver
1. Click CRM, select View Customers, then open the Customer record.
2. Click Contacts (left navigation panel), then open the individual Contact Card for the Approver.
3. Tick the option Main Approver and click Save.
Once the approvers have been nominated, then the Approval Process must be enabled for the eStore.