(1.) First, navigate to the Products module and click the “Add New Record” button near the top-left corner of the screen.
(2.) Next, use the “Category Name” dropdown to assign the product to a category, and then give the product a name in the “Item Title” text field.
(3.) Now on the “Pricing” tab, use the “Price Matrix Type” dropdown to select Large Format Matrix.
(4.) Now you can nominate a “cost per square meter” value (as well as a markup and a “selling price per square meter” value) for your product.
Looking at the example below, we have set this up to have a Selling Price ($ per square meter) of $52.50.
This means that when this product is used in an estimate, job, or invoice and the system prompts you for your desired dimensions, the system will calculate how many square meters your width/height comes out to and determine a price based on what you have nominated as the Selling Price ($/sq m).
If you would like to see the process of using this product in an estimate, please see our guide Creating a Product Catalogue Estimate with the “Large Format Matrix” Pricing Type.