Inventory is any item that is purchased for your business and used to produce a product, it may also be referred to as a consumable or substrate and is an item that is purchased from a supplier. The supplier also needs to appear in the system if you intend to send purchase order requests from the system.
Inventory can be added to the system in two ways;
- Manually - entering the inventory
- Automatically - using a specific Excel spreadsheet
This article will explain how to create categories and add inventory items manually, a separate article is available for uploading using an Excel spreadsheet.
Inventory Categories
An inventory category is used to group items together for easy identification, for example any paper item will have a category of paper, inks will appear within the category inks and so on. You can create your own categories however the category must be created before manually adding or uploading inventory into the system. For your convenience some categories have already been created including, paper, inks and plates. To create a new category;
1. Click the Inventory module, then select View/Add Categories.
2. Select Add New Record.
3. Complete the details for the new Category, items marked with an asterix - Category Code and Category Name must be entered. The Properties are items that will be applicable to the category, then click Save.
Manually Adding Inventory
1. Click the Inventory module, then select Add New.
2. Complete the details of the Inventory item, items marked with an asterix must be entered, then click Next.
Note: If the supplier does not exist in the system click the plus symbol to enter in the supplier details and save it to the CRM Suppliers list.
3. If you would like an alert to monitor stock levels complete the Stock and Alert details page, then click Save.
Further Information
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.