A Category is used as a method of file management, when a product is created they are saved within a category. Just like any file management tool, it is possible to have a category within a category, the top category is referred to as the Parent category.

Products are items in ePrint that have been pre-designed with a description, pricing, material, size etc.

What is a Category?

A Category is used to organise products, in a similar way to how file management works on a computer. The category can be used to give structure to the eStore. When creating a Product, it is allocated or saved to a Category. 

The table below provides some examples of Categories and what type of products are contained within it. 

Category NameProducts Saved within the Category
Business Cards
Marketing MaterialBanners
Promotional ProductsDrink Bottles

In the image below the Category Name (folder) appears on the left navigation pane of the eStore, the number next to the category/folder name indicates the number of products within it. In this example there is one category called Sunset Business Cards.

The category name will usually have a Category image associated with it, this is a visual for individuals to click on in the eStore. The folders cannot be turned off in the eStore, they will be visible when viewing the home screen of the eStore. A Category can have sub-categories, the structure is flexible to suit the desired layout and number of products that are to be offered on the eStore.

When the customer clicks on the Category image , they will be able to view the Product within it. In this example they can purchase the product called 'Business Cards' these are stored in the Category named Sunset Business Cards.



Within ePrint Products are used in two ways; from the  Product Catalogue or visible in an eStore.

In an eStore scenario, Products are accessible to customers online through a customised website, this is referred to as a B2B or B2C eStore. When a customer orders a product from the eStore the order appears in ePrint where it can be processed just like any job. 

Products in this scenario may be non-editable, meaning they cannot be customised by the customer, examples may include a generic notepad, standard envelopes, signage such as open/close signs. The customer can purchase the item just as they appear.


An editable product may also be added to an eStore. This type of product can be customised online, prior to purchasing. Examples include items such as marketing material, business cards and promotional products.

Stock products can also be added to an eStore. These are non-editable products, they are allocated and monitored using the warehouse module. The warehouse is outlined in a separate article.

Products are designed and saved in the Products module of ePrint.

Additional Information

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