There are many options available that allow an eStore to be fully customised to suit a specific purpose. This article will outline the General settings.

1. Click the Settings cog wheel (top right corner), then select ePrint eStore.

The window is arranged with a navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Appearance, then Edit Style Sheet.

Refer to the table below for a summary of each feature. More detailed articles may be available at the bottom of this article.

Login/Logout OptionsLogin - applicable to the B2C (public estore only) The user must login prior to accessing the available products.
Logout - Redirection options when a user logs out of the site, including redirection to a default page or redirection to a specific page.
Hide B2B eStore PricesApplicable to a B2B eStore, the option to hide the eStore prices.
Numbering SystemSet the desired numbering system to be used for eStore orders, options available are;
Auto - an automatic sequential numbering system starting at 1
Custom - you can specify a starting number that the system will automatically apply and then the numbering is sequential from that number.

Note: Once the numbering system is saved, this setting becomes locked and if a new setting is required a request must be made to Support. 
Order StatusWhen an online order is made, the order will appear within the Orders module for example New Order, Proofing, Printing.
The status allows all your in-house team to easily determine the status of an order.
A new status can be created by accessing these settings.
Payment OptionsThe payment options that are to be accepted on the eStore can be determined in this location.
Options include to enable/disable an online payment system.
Specify the accepted payment methods including;
  • Cheque/money order 
  • Direct Credit
  • Payment on Invoice
  • PayPal
  • Credit Cards
Note: To utilise the best payment option we recommend the Braintree Payment integration with the eStore.
Spend Limit *

Within a B2B eStore it is possible to set a spend limit in the store, this is an amount, agreed on with the customer, for the amount users can spend within the eStore. 

Once enabled, use this setting to determine spend limits on an eStore, these can be determined according to users or per department.

Registration OptionsRegistration options offers a variety of options to manage how an individual can register on an eStore. The details entered on the registration page will also be saved into the CRM.
Options available include;
  • Self registration
  • The ability to select and edit from a list of departments
  • Pre-filling the delivery address details based upon the contact address
  • Registration preferences using a specific email address (ie: an email registered to the specific company of the B2B eStore)
  • Set the email address as the password.
Reorder Product CategoryThe categories displayed on the eStore can be re-ordered using two options;
  • Auto Alphabetical Order based upon the Category name
  • Custom the ability to manually reorder the categories on the eStore
Reorder ProductsThe products that are displayed on eStore can be re-ordered using two options;
  • Auto Alphabetical Order based upon the Product name
  • Custom the ability to manually reorder the products on the eStore
SecurityIn security enable the setting to force the user to enter their password to complete the order.
ReportsThe options to allow users of the eStore to access reports based upon eStore ordering.

This is an add-on module, if you would like this function added to your system please contact Support.

Additional Topics

If you have any further questions, please contact Support.