We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new look Release Notes.
New features and updates to existing system functions are being reviewed and developed on an ongoing basis. These updates will now be communicated using a Release Notes page which will be located within the ePrint Knowledge Base.
It is intended that a link to the Release Notes page will be emailed to our clients periodically to remind you to review the recent updates and new features. It will also be accessible by searching 'Release notes' in the Knowledge Base.
Below you will find some of the updates that have occurred in the last 12 months.
The Knowledge Base
The knowledge base forms part of our company support process and is being built on an ongoing basis. It contains articles and videos to assist users to work efficiently with ePrint.
Watch the video link on how to access support, or click the support link https://hexicomsupport.freshdesk.com/support/solutions and browse the articles.
New features introduced in 2019
Jobs View – Quick Field Editing
Module: Jobs
When viewing the jobs summary screen, some fields are now link enabled allowing the user to make quick changes without having to open the job and re-run the details.
This will be visible on the fields;
- Delivery Date
- Salesperson
Support Article: Quick Field Editing
Changing the Header & Footer
Module: Estimates, Jobs, Invoices
The ability to change headers and footers and simultaneously add the text to the phrase book is now available directly within an estimate, job and invoice.
You have always been able to select a header or footer from within the customer details panel, however you can now create a new one from the customer details panel and add it directly to the phrase book. This enables you to add a header or footer comment that is specific to that one estimate, job or invoice.
The plus symbol besides the Header /Footer option will link users directly to the phrase book, where a selection from the existing phrases can be made, or by using the Add New Record option a new phrase can be added for this record that can also be used in other records in the future.
Support Article
Support articles are available for this feature across several modules.
Delivery Address Label Field
Module: Estimates, Jobs, Delivery
The Delivery Address Label field has been available to users when creating a new delivery address. It is now displayed in the customer details panel of an estimate or a job.
It can be used to provide more details regarding the delivery, for example: the name of the person who is to receive the item, which may be different to the contact person, or a reference to the delivery location, for example: Head Office- Gate C.
Large Format Estimates - Total Square Meter Area Used
Module: Estimates/Jobs
When estimating a large format item using the square meter or square feet calculation the system has always calculated the cost of the material used to produce the items you are printing. It has not taken into account the cost of the waste material and the user has had to estimate the waste using a percentage function. We now have an additional function when using the square meter or square feet calculation which enables the system to calculate the substrate cost based upon the use of a full sheet.
When creating a large format estimate, after selecting the calculation square meter, the option to select Use Full Sheets will be offered when building the details of the estimate/job.
If you plan to always use this function it can be set as the default option in the large format press settings.
This option has been developed for use in both Metric and Imperial measurement systems.
Support Article: Large Format Estimates - Total Square Meter Area Used
Jobs - Drag & Drop Main Items
Module: Estimates/Jobs
We have a new function that enables the main items within a job to be reordered.
If a job has three items within it there may be times when it is useful to change the order that they appear in. If the new function is turned on in the system settings, the user can drag and drop the items into a new order. This does not change their item number (the 001, 002, or 003 at the end of the job number) but it does change the order in which they appear in the job.
A likely reason to reorder items within a job is when you have built the job and then realise it would be more logical to display the items in a different order for the production team in the system and on the PDF job ticket.
Support Article: Jobs - Drag & Drop Main Items
Job Locking
Module: Jobs
Job Locking is now available for use within all systems.
The function is designed to enable the system administrator to restrict other users from editing job details after the job has been started. In some larger companies users have been known to change a jobs specification by accident.
When jobs are locked the general users have a restricted functionality available to them and the locking and unlocking process can only be undertaken by a system administrator.
Support Article: Job Locking
Product Measurement Fields
Module: Products
New fields are available on the products page;
- Length
- Height
- Width
- Weight
- Cubic Measurement (an auto-calculated field based upon the entries made in length, height and width)
The addition of these fields allows for greater accuracy when calculating shipping of items. These dimension tags can be added to system templates, for example on delivery notes.
This is an add-on module, if you would like this function added to your system please contact Support.
Support Article: Product Measurement Fields
Products Page & Import Spreadsheet
Module: Products
The Import page for Products has a new look. To simplify the instructions and always ensure the most up-to-date file is available you can now click the web link to the knowledge base article. Attached to the article will be instructions for those new to the process and the current version of the import products spreadsheet, an example file is also file is also available to assist in populating the file.
Click Products, then select Import/Export.
Additional fields have been added to the products upload spreadsheet;
- Press Name
- Override CBM
The addition of these fields allows users to upload more content to their products. The support article will always contain the most recent file that can be used to upload products, please check the Product Import Process page for the most recent spreadsheet version.
If you would like us to assist with this process please contact Support and we can assist you in this process as you must adhere to the guidelines that are explained in the article.
Support Article: Product Import Process
Large Format Inks
Module: Large Format Settings
Previously when setting up and creating Large Format estimates/jobs users would see the reference in the ink section to White Ink, this has been replaced with the reference to "Special Inks" which encompasses White, Metallic ink, or clear coating depending on what you may use. These are typically only used on flatbed machines.
These settings are visible when setting up a Large Format Printer.
Also in the second step when creating an estimate, or re-running a job and selecting the Colour.
Support Article: The Support article is on Setting up a Large Format Printer
The Estimator
Module: Estimates, Jobs
When an estimate or job is created an Estimator has always been assigned to the record. This field has now been made editable in the Customer Details panel enabling the user to select a different person as the estimator rather than the default which is the user who creates the estimate or job.
Support Article: Nominating a Sales Person and Estimator
B2B eStore Spend Limits
Module: Online Orders - eStore Settings
Enabling a spend limit within the B2B eStore is a useful tool to ensure budgets are adhered to for your customers. The spend limit can be set by user or department.
This is an add-on module, if you would like this function added to your system please contact Support.
Support Article: B2B eStore Spend Limits
It is important to regularly review the system and ensure it is consistently up-to-date with your internal work processes.
The beginning of the year is a great time to review the system templates.
Particularly you may want to remove any redundant system templates and background templates that you may no longer use.
The articles below will guide you through this process. Be sure only to remove those that you no longer require!
If you have any further questions, please contact Support.